30 Dec

When it comes to the structural integrity of a roof, the importance of roof decking cannot be overstated. Roof decking serves as the foundation for the roofing materials, providing support and ensuring a stable structure. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of roof decking, exploring the materials that contribute to creating sturdy foundations. From understanding what roof decking is to examining the different roof decking materials available, we'll cover it all.


Roofing is a complex interplay of various components, and roof decking plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall stability of the structure. Whether you're a homeowner considering a roof replacement or a roofing professional looking to enhance your knowledge, this exploration of roof decking and materials is designed to provide valuable insights.

What is Roof Decking?

Roof decking, simply put, is the foundation of your roof. It is the layer of material that sits between the structural components of the roof and the outer roofing materials. The purpose of roof decking is to provide a smooth, stable surface for the installation of roofing materials while also contributing to the overall strength of the roof structure.

Exploring Roof Decking Materials

Plywood Decking

One of the most common materials used for roof decking is plywood. Its popularity stems from its affordability, ease of installation, and versatility. Plywood decking provides a solid base for roofing materials and is suitable for various roof designs.

OSB (Oriented Strand Board) Decking

OSB decking is another option gaining popularity in the roofing industry. Made from compressed and glued wood strands, OSB offers strength and durability. Its dimensional stability makes it a reliable choice for roof decking in various climates.

Tongue and Groove Decking

Tongue and groove decking is a classic choice known for its interlocking system, creating a seamless and sturdy surface. This type of decking enhances the overall structural integrity of the roof, especially in areas prone to high winds.

Roof Repair and the Role of Roof Decking

A common question that arises is, "How does roof decking relate to roof repair?" The answer lies in the fact that damaged or deteriorated roof decking can compromise the effectiveness of roof repairs. It's essential to assess the condition of the roof decking during repairs to ensure a solid foundation for any additional roofing materials.

Asphalt Shingle Roof Installation

When it comes to roofing materials, asphalt shingles are a popular choice for their affordability and versatility. Proper installation of asphalt shingles relies on a sound roof decking foundation. The decking not only provides support but also ensures a level surface for the shingles, preventing issues such as uneven wear and leaks.


In conclusion, roof decking is the unsung hero of a sturdy and reliable roof structure. Understanding what roof decking is and exploring the various materials available is crucial for making informed decisions about roofing projects. Whether you're installing a new roof or considering repairs, the choice of roof decking material plays a pivotal role in the long-term performance of your roof.